Several questions and comments arise concerning the news about the parasitic flies:
* When news like these are broadcast nationwide, implicating that the cause for CCD has possibly been found, we can't help becoming suspicious, questioning whether this is set up by a scientist who would like to get funded. This happened already; remember when this guy found "the cause" to CCD by discovering a combination of virus and fungus. A week later the news came that he had connections to Monsanto and the chemical company Bayer that certainly would have been kind enough to work on a " solution".
* Another important question is, to what extent these flies were active on bees already years ago? I could imagine that some of this activity was going on but never noticed, because it didn't occur in great numbers.
* When we look into the nature of parasites generally, we can say that these beings are part of the dark forces on this earth. They don't 'work' in a positive way for the good of nature like other animals (and yet, in the end they bring out positive results by being our alarm-system for something not in order). We ourselves are prone to parasites since our connection to nature and life rhythms have been destroyed to such a great degree. Who still has healthy eating habits or even access to healthy food? On the farms sheep, goats, chickens, cattle are kept on too small an acreage, the animal diversity is missing and the feed most of them get is genetically modified and grown to yield quantity instead of quality; in other words, all the bottom-line driven ways of keeping these animals have lowered their natural resistance and let the parasites thrive.
In case of the honeybees: they have a weakened immune system due to all the poisons in nature, the reduced diversity of food supply and, of course, all the nasty things we have invented to get more honey. The most serious impact on the colony's health is the way queens are bred commercially from worker larvae. In Rudolf Steiner's bee lectures it becomes clear that the queen is closely connected to the sun-forces due to her short gestation time (16 days). The workers have fallen out of that sun-influence to some degree; the drones are fully earthly beings (hey, they are males!). By breeding queens from worker larvae over 100 years, we have reduced this pure 'sun-being' to have more and more earthly qualities. The manipulated queen has a lowered (spiritual) light-emittence which negatively influences the health and vitality of the entire colony. Therefore these parasitic forces of darkness have better access to the bees. Varroa mites, tracheal mites, small African hive beetle, and now flies!?
* The most important question is, whether the present scientific research will help solve the problem? One thing is certain: the scientists and institutions who are getting just about all of the funding to solve the "mystery" of CCD, aren't going to find a solution for these problems because their search is in the same mindset that has caused the problems (as Einstein so brilliantly noticed). Most of them (with a few noble exceptions) are aiming to eradicate the symptoms (mites, bugs, viruses etc.) without searching out the true causes.
*Solution: 100% organic agriculture, sustainable beekeeping, becoming stewards of nature instead of trying to bend it to our profits. Of course the biodynamic method is the best because it enlivens and heals. There is no way around this!! And be sure, this is going to be a long process; there is no quick cure, no silver bullet.